Response Body Schema
Applied plan name
Mevcut Değerler: free
Details about the subscription usage
plan_details. active_userboolean | boolean | integer | object
plan_details. administratorsboolean | integer
plan_details. cibaboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. connections.e_devletboolean | integer
plan_details. connections.ldapboolean | integer
plan_details. connections.passwordlessboolean | integer
plan_details. connections.samlboolean | integer
plan_details. custom_algorithmboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. custom_domainboolean | integer
plan_details. custom_password_policyboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. custom_token_ttlboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. fapiboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. hooksboolean | integer
plan_details. log_retentioninteger
Log retention period in days
Examples: 30
plan_details. log_shippingboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. log_signingboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. max_clientsinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
plan_details. max_resourcesinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
plan_details. max_tenantsinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
plan_details. max_usersinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
plan_details. mfaboolean | integer
plan_details. mfa.e-signboolean
plan_details. mfa.emailboolean
plan_details. mfa.fvboolean
plan_details. mfa.otpboolean
plan_details. mfa.pushboolean
plan_details. mfa.smsboolean
plan_details. mfa.webauthnboolean
plan_details. password_historyboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. rbac_managementboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
plan_details. user_managementboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false