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Rest API Errors Reference

PlusAuth uses HTTP response status codes to indicate whether a specific request has been successfully completed. Response Content-Type will be application/json, which means it will be in json format. You can find error name, status code and a description (if there is one) in the response json.

Status codes in 2xx range will indicate success on the other hand codes in range 4xx-5xx will indicate error.

5xx errors are extremely rare and those are happened at PlusAuth servers. Our team will be notified immediately in such cases and the error will be resolved in the soonest time.

PlusAuth errors structure is as following:

"error": "<ERROR_NAME>",
"error_description": "<ADDITIONAL_DESCRIPTION>",
"status": "<STATUS_CODE>"
PlusAuth Error Responses
400invalid_requestThe request was unacceptable, probably because of wrong parameter.
400unsupported_view_templateUnsupported view template provided.
402plan_limit_exceededYou exceeded the limit of your subscription plan for provided operation. Consider upgrading your plan.
401invalid_audienceIncorrect audience is used in access token.
401invalid_issuerAccess token is meant to be used for another tenant.
401invalid_authorization_schemeWrong authorization scheme is used. It must be 'Bearer'.
401missing_scopeRequired scope (permission) is missing in token.
401missing_tokenAuthorization token is not provided.
401unauthorized_userUser is not authorized for the action/tenant.
404entity_not_foundRequested resource doesn't exist.
409already_existsProvided resource already exists.
422invalid_entityThe request was unacceptable, probably because of an incorrect or missing parameter.
429too_many_requestsToo many requests received. For more details have a look at to Rate Limits
5xxserver_errorSomething is wrong at PlusAuth. These errors are extremely rare and will be resolved in the soonest time.