Create Tenant
Request Body
PlusAuth Authenticator Application related settings
If true
, users will be able to unblock their accounts by the link received in notification email.
Default Value: true
Maximum failed login attempts to block user for specified duration.
Default Value: 10
Number of seconds to block the account.
Default Value: 630720000
Number of seconds before attempts are reset
Default Value: 7776000
Send an email to user's email address about the activity.
Default Value: true
Allowed consecutive login attempts
Default Value: 10
Number of seconds to block the IP.
Default Value: 630720000
Number of seconds before attempts are reset
Default Value: 7776000
Send an email to user's email address about the activity.
Default Value: true
Password policy settings to be enforced to your new users.
Require at least on of the given characters
The system will maintain a password history for each user and prevent the reuse of passwords included in the history. The password history can be up to 10 in size. When provided, the system will maintain existing and new users' password history going forward.
Require at least given value of lowercase letters
Lifetime settings of generated tokens defined in seconds.
Response Body Schema
Creation date in the ISO 8601 format according to universal time.
Value: tr-1
Your tenant's identifier.
keystore. created_atnumberRequired
Key creation date in milliseconds since the epoch
keystore. revoked_atinteger
Revocation time in milliseconds since the epoch
keystore. rotated_atinteger
Rotation time in milliseconds since the epoch
keystore. keyobjectRequired
Public JWK. You can look at JWK specification from here
keystore.key. algstringRequired
keystore.key. estringRequired
keystore.key. kidstringRequired
keystore.key. ktystringRequired
keystore.key. nstringRequired
keystore.key. usestringRequired
keystore.key. key_opsarray<string>
keystore.key. x5carray<string>
keystore.key. x5tstring
keystore.key. x5t#S256string
keystore.key. x5ustring
Update date in the ISO 8601 format according to universal time.
settings. acr_valuesarray<string>Required
settings. auto_sign_inbooleanRequired
settings. expose_unsafe_errorsbooleanRequired
settings. extra_paramsarray<string>Required
settings. extra_scopesarray<string>Required
settings. force_email_verificationbooleanRequired
settings. forgot_password_enabledbooleanRequired
settings. hash_functionstringRequired
Available Values: bcrypt
Default Value: "bcrypt"
settings. register_enabledbooleanRequired
settings. tenant_login_urlstringRequired
settings. welcome_emails_enabledbooleanRequired
settings. api_versionstring
Available Values: 2021-07-04
settings. default_strategystring
settings. authenticatorobjectRequired
PlusAuth Authenticator Application related settings
settings.authenticator. bind_simbooleanRequired
Should authenticator application logout if a SIM card change detected on device
settings. cibaobjectRequired
settings.ciba. delivery_modestringRequired
Available Values: ping
settings.ciba. notifier_endpointstringRequired
settings. environment_variablesobjectRequired
settings. policiesobjectRequired
settings.policies. account_blockingobjectRequired
settings.policies.account_blocking. allow_user_unblockbooleanRequired
If true
, users will be able to unblock their accounts by the link received in notification email.
Default Value: true
settings.policies.account_blocking. allowed_attemptsintegerRequired
Maximum failed login attempts to block user for specified duration.
Default Value: 10
settings.policies.account_blocking. block_durationintegerRequired
Number of seconds to block the account.
Default Value: 630720000
settings.policies.account_blocking. durationintegerRequired
Number of seconds before attempts are reset
Default Value: 7776000
settings.policies.account_blocking. enabledbooleanRequired
Default Value: true
settings.policies.account_blocking. notificationbooleanRequired
Send an email to user's email address about the activity.
Default Value: true
settings.policies.account_blocking. reset_after_successbooleanRequired
Reset failed attempts count after successful login.
settings.policies. brute_forceobjectRequired
settings.policies.brute_force. allowed_attemptsintegerRequired
Allowed consecutive login attempts
Default Value: 10
settings.policies.brute_force. block_durationintegerRequired
Number of seconds to block the IP.
Default Value: 630720000
settings.policies.brute_force. durationintegerRequired
Number of seconds before attempts are reset
Default Value: 7776000
settings.policies.brute_force. enabledbooleanRequired
Default Value: true
settings.policies.brute_force. notificationbooleanRequired
Send an email to user's email address about the activity.
Default Value: true
settings.policies.brute_force. white_listarray<string>Required
Whitelisted IP addresses.
settings.policies. passwordobjectRequired
Password policy settings to be enforced to your new users.
settings.policies.password. custom_charsstring
Require at least on of the given characters
settings.policies.password. historyinteger
The system will maintain a password history for each user and prevent the reuse of passwords included in the history. The password history can be up to 10 in size. When provided, the system will maintain existing and new users' password history going forward.
settings.policies.password. lower_caseinteger
Require at least given value of lowercase letters
settings.policies.password. maxinteger
Maximum number of characters
settings.policies.password. mininteger
Minimum number of characters
settings.policies.password. numberinteger
Require at least given value of numbers
settings.policies.password. upper_caseinteger
Require at least given value of uppercase letters
settings. ttlobjectRequired
Lifetime settings of generated tokens defined in seconds.
settings.ttl. access_tokenintegerRequired
settings.ttl. backchannel_authentication_requestintegerRequired
settings.ttl. client_credentialsintegerRequired
settings.ttl. device_codeintegerRequired
settings.ttl. id_tokenintegerRequired
settings.ttl. refresh_tokenintegerRequired
settings.ttl. sessionintegerRequired
settings. user_self_deletionobject
settings.user_self_deletion. enabledboolean
Allow end-users to delete their accounts. This enables the delete-account
prompt which you can request to allow users delete their accounts.
Subscription details of tenant
subscription. planstringRequired
Applied plan name
Available Values: free
subscription. expires_atstring
subscription. issued_atstring
subscription. plan_detailsobjectRequired
Details about the subscription usage
subscription.plan_details. active_userboolean | boolean | integer | object
subscription.plan_details. administratorsboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. cibaboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. connections.e_devletboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. connections.ldapboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. connections.passwordlessboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. connections.samlboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. custom_algorithmboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. custom_domainboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. custom_password_policyboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. custom_token_ttlboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. fapiboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. hooksboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. log_retentioninteger
Log retention period in days
Examples: 30
subscription.plan_details. log_shippingboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. log_signingboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. max_clientsinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
subscription.plan_details. max_resourcesinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
subscription.plan_details. max_tenantsinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
subscription.plan_details. max_usersinteger
Number of defined feature
Examples: 100
subscription.plan_details. mfaboolean | integer
subscription.plan_details. mfa.e-signboolean
subscription.plan_details. mfa.emailboolean
subscription.plan_details. mfa.fvboolean
subscription.plan_details. mfa.otpboolean
subscription.plan_details. mfa.pushboolean
subscription.plan_details. mfa.smsboolean
subscription.plan_details. mfa.webauthnboolean
subscription.plan_details. password_historyboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. rbac_managementboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false
subscription.plan_details. user_managementboolean
Is feature enabled or not
Examples: false