This tutorial shows how to use PlusAuth with iOS Storyboard Application. If you do not have a PlusAuth account, register from here.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use PlusAuth with iOS Storyboard
. If you are looking for iOS SwiftUI
tutorial, click here
This tutorial follows the plusauth-ios-storyboard-starter sample project on Github. You can download and follow the tutorial via the sample project.
Create PlusAuth Client
After you sign up or log in to PlusAuth, you need to create a client to get the necessary configuration keys in the dashboard. Go to Clients and create a client with the type of Native Application
Configure Client
Get Client Properties
You will need your Client Id
for interacting with PlusAuth. You can retrieve them from the created client's details.
Configure Redirect and Logout URIs
When PlusAuth authenticates a user, it needs a URI to redirect back. That URI must be in your client's Redirect URI
list. If your application uses a redirect URI that is not white-listed in your PlusAuth Client, you will receive an error.
The same thing applies to the logout URIs. After the user logs out, you need a URI to be redirected.
If you are following the sample project, the Redirect URL you need to add to the Redirect URIs field is com.plusauth.iosexample.plusauth-ios-starter:/oauth2redirect/ios-provider
. The Logout URL you need to add to the Post Logout Redirect URIs field is the same as the Redirect URI field that is com.plusauth.iosexample.plusauth-ios-starter:/oauth2redirect/ios-provider
Configure iOS Application to use PlusAuth
Create an iOS application with Storyboard or download the sample project from the link on the top of the page.
Add Dependencies
To get started, install the AppAuth for iOS SDK.
pod 'AppAuth'
github "openid/AppAuth-iOS" "master"
Swift Package Manager
dependencies: [ .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.4.0"))]
The plusauth-ios-storyboard-starter
project uses Swift Package Manager as a dependency manager. Xcode will download the required SDKs automatically after opening the project.
Create the .plist File
Create the PlusAuth.plist
file at the root of your module with the following and modify values accordingly.
<!-- plusauth-ios-starter/PlusAuth.plist -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""><plist version="1.0"><dict> <key>credentials</key> <dict> <key>clientId</key> <string>CLIENT_ID</string> <key>issuer</key> <string></string> </dict></dict></plist>
If you are following the sample project, rename PlusAuth.example.plist
to PlusAuth.plist
and replace the values accordingly.
Configure AppAuth Client
We need to read Client Id and Issuer from PlusAuth.plist
file before discover the PlusAuth configuration.
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swiftimport AppAuth
// PlusAuth.plist properties objectsstruct PlusAuth : Decodable { let clientId, issuer : String}
struct Root : Decodable { let credentials : PlusAuth}
private var plusAuthCredentials = PlusAuth(clientId: "", issuer: "")
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Rest of the code...
// Read clientId and issuer from PlusAuth.plist file func readConfiguration(){ let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "PlusAuth", withExtension:"plist")! do { let data = try Data(contentsOf: url) let result = try PropertyListDecoder().decode(Root.self, from: data) plusAuthCredentials = result.credentials } catch { print(error) } }
// Rest of the code...}
After reading the required configuration, we need to discover PlusAuth endpoints.
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
private var config: OIDServiceConfiguration?
// MARK: PlusAuth Methodsfunc discoverConfiguration() { guard let issuerUrl = URL(string: plusAuthCredentials.issuer) else { print("Error creating URL for : \(plusAuthCredentials.issuer)") return } // Get PlusAuth auth endpoints OIDAuthorizationService.discoverConfiguration(forIssuer: issuerUrl) { configuration, error in if(error != nil) { print("Error: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "DEFAULT_ERROR")") } else { config = configuration } }}
We will be using the config
object in the login
and logout
Finally call the readConfiguration
and discoverConfiguration
methods in viewDidLoad
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Rest of the code...
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.readCredentials() self.discoverConfiguration() }
// Rest of the code...}
Configure AppDelegate to hold the session
You need to have a property in your UIApplicationDelegate
implementation to hold the session. In this tutorial, the implementation of this delegate is a class named AppDelegate
. If your app's application delegate has a different name, please update the class name in the samples below accordingly.
// plusauth-ios-starter/AppDelegate.swift
import AppAuth
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var currentAuthorizationFlow: OIDExternalUserAgentSession?
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
if let authorizationFlow = self.currentAuthorizationFlow, authorizationFlow.resumeExternalUserAgentFlow(with: url) { self.currentAuthorizationFlow = nil return true } return false }}
Implement login, user profile, and logout
Add the following sections to your ViewController.swift
file. We will store the retrieved state
in local storage to exchange with new tokens.
Add Login
We will create an OIDAuthorizationRequest
object to authenticate the user. The application redirects you to the PlusAuth
login page using the browser.
Add the following section to start an authentication process.
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
func login() { // Create redirectURI from redirectURL string guard let redirectURI = URL(string: redirectUrl) else { print("Error creating URL for : \(redirectUrl)") return }
guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { print("Error accessing AppDelegate") return }
// Create login request let request = OIDAuthorizationRequest(configuration: config!, clientId: plusAuthCredentials.clientId, clientSecret: nil, scopes: ["openid", "profile", "offline_access"], redirectURL: redirectURI, responseType: OIDResponseTypeCode, additionalParameters: nil) // performs authentication request appDelegate.currentAuthorizationFlow = OIDAuthState.authState(byPresenting: request, presenting: self) { (authState, error) in if let authState = authState { self.setAuthState(state: authState) } else { print("Authorization error: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "DEFAULT_ERROR")") } }}
Add Logout
We will create an OIDEndSessionRequest
object to log out the user. Add the following section to log out from the application and PlusAuth:
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
func logout() { // Create redirectURI from redirectURL string guard let redirectURI = URL(string: redirectUrl) else { print("Error creating URL for : \(redirectUrl)") return } guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { print("Error accessing AppDelegate") return } guard let idToken = authState?.lastTokenResponse?.idToken else { return } // Create logout request let request = OIDEndSessionRequest(configuration: config!, idTokenHint: idToken, postLogoutRedirectURL: redirectURI, additionalParameters: nil) guard let userAgent = OIDExternalUserAgentIOS(presenting: self) else { return }
// performs logout request appDelegate.currentAuthorizationFlow = OIDAuthorizationService.present(request, externalUserAgent: userAgent, callback: { (_, error) in self.setAuthState(state: nil) })}
Get Authenticated User Info
You can get authenticated user info by adding the following section:
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
private var userInfoJson: [AnyHashable: Any]?
// Get authenticaed user info from PlusAuthfunc fetchUserInfo() { guard let userinfoEndpoint = authState?.lastAuthorizationResponse.request.configuration.discoveryDocument?.userinfoEndpoint else { print("Userinfo endpoint not declared in discovery document") return }
let currentAccessToken: String? = authState?.lastTokenResponse?.accessToken
authState?.performAction() { (accessToken, idToken, error) in
if error != nil { print("Error fetching fresh tokens: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "ERROR")") return } guard let accessToken = accessToken else { print("Error getting accessToken") return }
if currentAccessToken != accessToken { print("Access token was refreshed automatically (\(currentAccessToken ?? "CURRENT_ACCESS_TOKEN") to \(accessToken))") } else { print("Access token was fresh and not updated \(accessToken)") }
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: userinfoEndpoint) urlRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields = ["Authorization":"Bearer \(accessToken)"]
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: urlRequest) { data, response, error in
DispatchQueue.main.async { guard error == nil else { print("HTTP request failed \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "ERROR")") return } guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { print("Non-HTTP response") return } guard let data = data else { print("HTTP response data is empty") return }
var json: [AnyHashable: Any]?
do { json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] } catch { print("JSON Serialization Error") }
if response.statusCode != 200 { let responseText: String? = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
if response.statusCode == 401 { let oauthError = OIDErrorUtilities.resourceServerAuthorizationError(withCode: 0, errorResponse: json, underlyingError: error) self.authState?.update(withAuthorizationError: oauthError) print("Authorization Error (\(oauthError)). Response: \(responseText ?? "RESPONSE_TEXT")") } else { print("HTTP: \(response.statusCode), Response: \(responseText ?? "RESPONSE_TEXT")") } return } // Get authenticated user info json self.userInfoJson = json self.updateUI() } } task.resume() }}
Add Helper Methods
Set the current authState
data after login and logout operations.
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
private var isLoggedIn: Bool = falseprivate var authState: OIDAuthState?
// Set user auth statefunc setAuthState(state: OIDAuthState?) { if (self.authState == state) { return; } self.authState = state; self.isLoggedIn = state?.isAuthorized == true self.stateChanged()}
Add stateChanged
method to save the current authState
to local storage and update UI accordingly.
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
func stateChanged() { self.saveState() //self.updateUI()}
After successful login or logout, store the current authState
to use later.
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
private let plusAuthStateKey: String = "plusAuthState";private let storageSuitName = "com.plusauth.iosexample"
// Save user state to localfunc saveState() { guard let data = try? NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: self.authState as Any, requiringSecureCoding: true) else { return }
if let userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: storageSuitName) { userDefaults.set(data, forKey: plusAuthStateKey) userDefaults.synchronize() }}
Load the stored state data in the viewDidLoad
method to get authenticated user data.
// plusauth-ios-starter/ViewController.swift
// Load local state info if existsfunc loadState() { guard let data = UserDefaults(suiteName: storageSuitName)?.object(forKey: plusAuthStateKey) as? Data else { return } do { let authState = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(data) as? OIDAuthState self.setAuthState(state: authState) // Fetch user info if user authenticated self.fetchUserInfo() } catch { print(error) }}
Finally, create your UI in the storyboard and update your views in the stateChanged
section accordingly.
See it in action
That's it. Start your app and point to your device or emulator. Follow the Log In link to log in or sign up to your PlusAuth tenant. After you click the Login
button, the browser launches and shows the PlusAuth Login page. Upon successful login or signup, you should be redirected back to the application.